February 2015 Meeting

Just an update of our meeting on Feb 4th.

Managers in attendance:                        Missing teams:
Bo Johnson, Eric Jensen                                Hinks
John, Elburn COOP                                         Team America
Kevin and Addam Jokers                               MVP Erectors
Jerry Metcalf AA                                             Alpha/MVP’s II
Wayne, Sean Haag Cubbies                           Lundeens
Fat Boys                                                           Ski’s
Frank 21 Balls                                                 World Famous
Sean PJ’S
Chad, MVP’s

– Season to start May 7th. 15 weeks. Tournament is Aug 15th.

July 4th is on a Saturday. Vote was taken to play on Thursday July 2nd. Vote passed. 9 yes, 0 no

– No need to raise fees for the 2015 season. $550 total. $400 for sponsor, $150 for team or however you break it down.

– We will be running our 50/50 raffle again at the tournament. Jerry from Anesthesia Assoc volunteered to take responsibility. They will pass out and collect tickets. They will also sell tickets at the tournament.
Each team will be responsible for 150 tickets. Please encourage each player on your team to purchase 10 tickets.  We will order more tickets than last year.
We will be awarding a $100 gift certificate for the team that raises the most money prior to the tournament.

– We spoke about a different way to run the tournament. I will get the information ready for the next meeting.

– Umps. We spoke about our umpiring situation. We talked about the possibility of umping our own games. Vote was taken on hiring umpires again, 9 yes, 0 no.
We will need 1-2 new umpires this year. We are always looking to improve. Frank had a name of two people. He will get back to me. Jerry mentioned Larry Pollack. I will contact Larry.

– We voted to change a rule. Rule 4: The rule applies if the existing manager DOES NOT  want to return and does not want to turn over the team to the existing players on the roster. Vote was taken 9 yes, 0 no.

“4. Team ownership: A team holds its place in the league from year to year. Any outgoing manager can transfer ownership to a player from the current/prior calendar year roster. If the outgoing manager does not want to cede manager responsibilities, a player(s) from the current/prior calendar year roster has first rights for management of the team. The league must be notified ASAP. If no one accepts the team, ownership will be given to the league president to find a replacement.

If there are team ownership issues, each team will be allowed one (1) representative for voting at league meetings although other players may attend and be recognized by the chair during any discussion. The league president will be 1-1/2 votes to break a tie should a vote be deadlocked.

Any team that has a league fee or fine not paid can be dropped from the league, per a league vote.”

Next schedule meetings: March 26 6:30p at Ski’s and April 23 6:30p at Cub and Spanks

See you at the next meeting. We will go over Umpires, a possible new way to run the tournament, etc.


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