December 2014 Meeting

Just a couple notes from the first meeting.

– Chad Walker was at the meeting. He stated that he would not be entering World Famous into the league. Per league rule #4, 4. A team holds its place in the league from year to year. The manager can release the ownership of the team to whomever he sees fit. If no one accepts the team, ownership will be given to the league president to find a replacement.

As a group, we discussed that if the manager releases ownership of the team, the members of the team should have first right for the available spot. Per our rules, it does not clearly state that. I feel we need to vote on this as a league at the next meeting.

– If there are teams out there that are not going to be playing in the 2015 season, we need to know asap. We would like to have 16 teams. Please contact Chad or Kevin to let us know.

– We discussed all games being played at the old park. This was up for discussion, mostly positive feedback for no games at the new park. Items mentioned: games would need to start ASAP, possibly 1/1 count during this time. This would need a vote at a later date.

– We discussed the possibility of no umpires during the regular season. We would hire umpires for the tournament. Items mentioned: teams that are playing provide the home and base umpires, the team before or after need to supply the umps. This would need a vote at a later date.

– 2015 Raffle. Stay at $1 a ticket or raise to $2 per ticket? We need a volunteer to see this thru. This would include getting tickets printed, handing out to managers, collections, tournament sat, etc. Please contact Chad or Kevin to volunteer. This would need a vote at a later date.

Again, if you know that your team is not coming back, please let us know ASAP. We would like to fill the teams to a total of 16.

Thanks!! Have a great holiday season!!

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