March 2015 Meeting

Notes from the March 26th meeting.

Held at Ski’s
Teams present
Mike Compuzano – Fat Boyz        Jerry Metcalf – AA
Sean Haag – Cubbies                     Alex – Alpha Dogs
Greg Sullivan – Ski’s                       Scott Suchy – Coldwell Banker
Kevin Spartz – Jokers                     Chad Gautcher – MVP’s

VOTE – We spoke about turning our league into a 503C charity. We voted to look into more to see if it would be useful for our league. We will look into it at further meetings. We took a vote, 9-yes, 0-no. Vote passed to look into the 503C.
Possible questions: do we have to give money back every year if we are a charity, per the 503C rules? Do we need to add more board members? Does it protect board members? Do we have to tax our umpires?
Addam Kahl will look into this at the bank he works at.

VOTE – We discussed many options of the open week. We voted on no games on July 2nd due to the July 4th holiday. Vote was taken for playing on July 2nd. Vote failed, yes-1, no-8. Vote failed for playing on July 2nd. There will be no games on July 2nd. That can be used as a make up week if needed.

VOTE – Due to the tournament being pushed back, we either have an open weekend OR 16 weeks of regular season play. Vote was taken for playing 15 games, 8-yes, 1-no. Vote passed for playing 15 games in 2015.

VOTE – We spoke about the clear definition of the rule for 9/8 players. It was discussed that some team captains would allow no automatic outs for 9 players and some would. In the past, it  was a captains decision. We voted to change the rule: If a team has 9 players at the start of the game, no automatic out is given. If a team only has 8 players at the start of the game, 1 automatic out will be given to that team at the end of the batting order. Vote passed, 9-yes, 0-no. Vote passed for no automatic out if team only has 9 players at the start of the game.

**My 2 cents…as I’m typing this. It sounds kind of weird…9 players, no outs. 8 players, 1 out? Most of us stated, its already a disadvantage to play with 9, that’s why there is no automatic out. Soooo, why would we make a team that starts with 8 take an automatic out??!? Why dont we just do away with the automatic out? Lets discuss at the next meeting.

– We are going to ask every team to sell at a minimum of 150 tickets for the 50/50 raffle. Tickets are still $1. AA will be getting the tickets and in charge of selling them this year. This will go to another team every year.

– New tournament date. Aug 22nd due to a scheduling error by the park district. I had to secure the 22nd in case that date was taken.

– We spoke about trying to get new porta johns for the tournament. As a group, we understand that we will not be able to get one on the hill.

– Ski’s asked to play late games only this year as they have in the past.

– We spoke about using cones to define fair lines. Brian Suchy stated he could get 8 cones.

– We spoke about the possibility of purchasing a set of bases for the park district. We will speak with the park district about price and see if we purchase 2 sets, if they will purchase 2 sets.

** NEXT MEETING Thursday April 23th. 6:30p at Cub n Spanks. Sean, could you let them know we are meeting there?

Have a great weekend!!!

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