March 2016 Meeting

Note provided by Kevin Spartz (all references to “I” are made in reference to Kevin)

1. We discussed the league bye date. We will have 15 weeks of league play. Starting May 5th. Bye week is July 7th. This can be used for any make up games needed. Tournament is August 20th. Vote passed.

2. We discussed that all issues that need a vote, the majority rule, 51%, will be used. If there is any issue w a deadlock, league president will have a vote that consists of 1 1/2 votes. This is for any league matter. Vote passed.

3. We discussed our ejection rule. In the past, the rule was if a player was ejected, they were subject to a fine of $25 and 2 game suspension. A higher monetary value was discussed. Settled on $50 fine and 2 game suspension. Vote passed.

4. We discussed the opportunity to purchase bases for the park district. Vote passed. I will speak with Lisa at the park district to confirm prices.

5. We discussed our current umpire situation. We spoke about self umpiring or having new umpires for this year. Vote was taken, new umpires won the vote. We will have new umpires for the this season. * We discussed that managers need to control/police their players/fans.

6. Jerry from AA has ordered the tickets already. We will have them for the first week of the season.

Please check out the attached rules (see banner at top of page). I cleaned up the format so its not as spaced out. If there are any issues, please email me. I made changes to rules.
Rule 21 – Ejection penalties.
Rule 29 – Removed the 2/3rds voting rule.
Rule 38 –  Added Majority rule.

UMPIRE UPDATE: I spoke w 4 umpires so far. 3 of them can not due to conflicts w other leagues. I have 1 umpire confirmed. He is looking at getting others interested. We have agreed to $25 a game and some type of shirt for the umpires. We will also have a meeting with umpires prior to the start of the league.